Reset by mail tokens

How it works?

First, the user will enter his login and his mail address. A mail is sent to him.

Then, the user click on the link in the mail, an can set a new password.


PHP sessions are used to store and retrieve token on server side.


You can enable Attributes update feature to allow users to update their mail address in the LDAP directory.


You can enable or disable this feature with $use_tokens:

$use_tokens = true;

Mail configuration

See Mail.

You can also avoid to request the mail to the user, only the login will be asked, and the mail will be read in LDAP:

$mail_address_use_ldap = true;


You can crypt tokens, to protect the session identifier:

$crypt_tokens = true;


If you enable this option, you must change the default value of the security keyphrase.

You should set a token lifetime, so they are invalid after some time. The value is in seconds:

$token_lifetime = "3600";

If you use tokens, you should also set Cache parameters accordingly.


By default, generated URLs are logged in the default Apache error log. This behavior can be changed, to log in a specific file:

$reset_request_log = "/var/log/self-service-password";


Apache user must have write permission on this file.

Reset URL

By default, reset URL is computed using server name and port, but these values can be wrong if the application is behind a reverse proxy. In this case you can set yourself the reset URL: