Developper’s corner

LDAP Tool Box Self Service Password can be extended with your own code.

Add your own Captcha system

As presented in captcha configuration, you can enable a captcha on most of the pages of Self-Service-Password.

You can define a customized class for managing your own captcha class:

$use_captcha = true;
$captcha_class = "MyCustomClass";

Then you have to create the captcha module in lib/captcha/MyCustomClass.php.

Here is a template example of such a captcha module:

<?php namespace captcha;


# use/require any dependency here

class MyCustomClass
    #private $captcha_property;

    public function __construct()
        #$this->captcha_property = $property;

    # Function that insert extra css
    function generate_css_captcha(){
        $captcha_css = '';

        return $captcha_css;

    # Function that insert extra js
    function generate_js_captcha(){
        $captcha_js = '<script></script>';

        return $captcha_js;

    # Function that generate the html part containing the captcha
    function generate_html_captcha($messages, $lang){

        $captcha_html ='
        <div class="row mb-3">
            <div class="col-sm-4 col-form-label text-end captcha">
                <img src="'.$this->generate_captcha_challenge().'" alt="captcha" />
                <i id="captcha-refresh" class="fa fa-fw fa-refresh"></i>
            <div class="col-sm-8">
                <div class="input-group">
                    <span class="input-group-text"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-check-circle"></i></span>
                    <input type="text" autocomplete="new-password" name="captchaphrase" id="captchaphrase" class="form-control" placeholder="'.$messages["captcha"].'" />

        return $captcha_html;

    # Function that generate the captcha challenge
    # Could be called by the backend, or by a call through a REST API to define
    function generate_captcha_challenge(){

        # cookie for captcha session

        # Generate your captcha challenge here
        $challenge = "";

        $_SESSION['phrase'] = $challenge;

        # session is stored and closed now, used only for captcha

        $captcha_image = $captcha->build()->inline();

        return $captcha_image;

    # Function that verify that the result sent by the user
    # matches the captcha challenge
    function verify_captcha_challenge(){
        if (isset($_POST["captchaphrase"]) and $_POST["captchaphrase"]) {
            # captcha cookie for session
            setcookie("captcha", '', time()-1000);
            $captchaphrase = strval($_POST["captchaphrase"]);

            # Compare captcha stored in session and user guess
            if (! isset($_SESSION['phrase']) or
                 $_SESSION['phrase'] != $captchaphrase) {
                $result = "badcaptcha";
            # write session to make sure captcha phrase is no more included in session.
        else {
            $result = "captcharequired";
        return $result;



Points of attention:

  • you can set any configuration parameters in, they will be passed to your class if you define them as properties, and initialize them in the constructor

  • you can inject extra css in generate_css_captcha function

  • you can inject extra js in generate_js_captcha function. For example, js code can useful for refreshing the challenge. If so, you are expected to reach /newcaptcha.php endpoint. This endpoint would call the generate_captcha_challenge function in current MyCustomClass and returns the result in json format.

  • you must fill in the generate_html_captcha function. This function must return the html code corresponding to the captcha. It should call the generate_captcha_challenge.

  • you must fill in the generate_captcha_challenge function. This function must generate the challenge, and ensure it is stored somewhere (in the php session). This function can also be called by the REST endpoint: /newcaptcha.php

  • you must fill in the verify_captcha_challenge function. This function must compare the challenge generated and stored, and the user guess. It must return a string corresponding to the status: badcaptcha, captcharequired, or empty string (empty string means challenge is verified)

  • don’t forget to declare the namespace: namespace captcha;

  • don’t forget to write the corresponding unit tests (see tests/InternalCaptchaTest.php)

Run unit tests

Run the unit tests with this command:

` XDEBUG_MODE=coverage vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text --configuration tests/phpunit.xml `

Take care to use the phpunit shipped with composer.

If you don’t have the composer dependencies yet:

` composer update `